Saturday, 7 July 2007

Whilst surfing the web this morning, I came across this quote and thought it was rather appropriate to my project.........

"Cash, like a person, is a living thing. When you wake up in the morning and go to work, you are selling a product - yourself (or more specifically, your labour). When you realize that every morning your assets wake up and have the same potential to work as you do, you unlock a powerful key in your life. Each dollar you save is like an employee. Over the course of time, the goal is to make your employees work hard, and eventually, they will make enough money to hire more workers (cash).
When you have become truly successful, you no longer have to sell your own labor, but can live off of the labor of your assets. "

Amen to that!!

The rest of the article can be read at

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Oxfordshire, United Kingdom