Sunday, 15 July 2007

cashout time

I have requested payment from three sites I am a member of this weekend. ECashRewards - a shopping cashback site with daily clicks - are sendig me £17.00 by bacs. Rpoints is another shopping cashback site which has daily clicks - you are rewarded with points that can be converted into cash - the conversion rate is 1 point to 1p. I have requested £4.47, payable to my paypal account within 7 days.
Lastly, I have requested a £10.00 John Lewis/Waitrose voucher from - as they do not pay out cash, I will be swapping this voucher for cash with my family as they buy some stuff from waitrose on a regular basis. Pigsback is yet another cashback site - but there are no daily clicks, instead, every monday you can click on a small number of their advertisers to earn 10 piggypoints each - equal to 10p each. there is also 10 piggypoints available each week for answering a quiz question from their advertiser Totally London.

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Oxfordshire, United Kingdom