Thursday, 28 June 2007


I have decided to introduce a way of tracking the amount of money I make online. I have been reading posts on the Doublers Den forum and it has inspired me to adapt some of the principles of doubling to my project - there are ideas and stories of how people have made their money.
Doubling involves starting off with nothing, then finding 1p or £1.00 and then doubling it until you have reached your target - which is usually £1million!
In the rules of doubling, you have to spend or invest your current stake to reach the next level - say, going from £128.00 to £256.00. But, the tight-wad that I am, I cannot bring myself to spend my hard earned online cash. I will be using the target table to break the earning target into smaller chunks.
I have not heard of anyone who has actually reached the millon target - a few of the bloggers and members of the forum are making good progress in their challenge.
I have added my target table to my blog and I will be signing up to the Doublers Den shortly.

On a different note... I have had a couple of surveys in the last few days. I am also considering a mass cashout request from all the sites I am a member of.

1 comment:

Xinfinitum said...

Welcome to the World of Doubling.

Glad you could join us at the Doubler's Den.

I wish you success on you Adventure.

Double To A Million Plan

About Me

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom